+27 82 857 0727 / 72 568 8957 info@itwinners.com

Want to stay up to date with our news and events?


November ’19

Middle East & Africa Business Partner Community Event

When; 14-Nov-19, 09-16h00 (SAST)

Where; The Focus Rooms, Johannesburg

Click here for details

June ’19

Second Annual UK/Europe BRM Networking Event

When; 03-Jun-19, 09-16h00 (BST)

Where; Wesleyan Head Office, Birmingham, England

What; BRMNetworking Event and Executive Briefing

Event Review

Join BRM Institute at their European Networking Event! In a digital world, business leaders have never been so keen to capture the opportunities that new technologies can provide and deliver stakeholder value. Collaboration and agility are critical–the ability to support the business with digital strategies is the skill that leaders are looking for most. Enhance those skills with BRM Institute on Monday, June 3rd in Birmingham, UK for Europe’s BRM Experience of the Year! Our team of expert coaches will be facilitating the workshops and are available all week for discussions

Our thanks to Wesleyan and APMG International for their sponsorship! 

June ’19

BRM Fast-Track Week

When; 04 – 07 Jun 19

Where; Maple House, Birmingham, England

What; All Knowledge Offerings from BRM Institute (3 tracks, 5 courses)

Following the Networking event on Monday, we will offer the full suite of Knowledge Offerings from BRM Instiute – from Fundamentals through to Becoming A Value-Focused Organisation. The courses will be offered concurrently, with 3 tracks running daily. Starting Tuesday, the courses will be facilitated by BRM Experts Carolynn Chalmers, Gary Hardy and Jeremy Byrne. Certified courses will conclude with official exams.

February ’19


When; 11 – 15 February 18

Where; Virtual + Johannesburg (vartious)

What; BRMWeek

We’re hosting a variety of webinars, group sessions and simulations designed to demonstrate the value of business partnering. Plus practitioners will be sharing their success stories and lessons they’ve learned along the way – all to help empower the wider community. BRMWeek is almost here. Make sure you’re a part of it!

To register https://goo.gl/RcDBeq

July ’18

First Annual South Africa BRM Community Event

When; 26-Jul-18, 10.00 – 16.00

Where; STANLIB, Johannesburg

What; BRM meet-up and networking event

ITWinners, supported by BRM Institute and STANLIB will host the first Annual South Africa BRM Community meetup, where we can share our passion for BRM, network and discuss building this capability in South Africa. You’ll meet with peers, receive insights about global adoption of BRM and hear from some special guest speakers. This is a free event, but we request that you book your space to ensure there is sufficient seating and catering.

June ’18

First Annual UK BRM Community Event

When; 13-Jun-18, 10-16h00 (BST) [Add to calendar]

Where; Burleigh Court Hotel, Loughborough

What; BRM meet-up and networking event

ITWinners, in association with BRM Institute and Loughborough University will host the first Annual UK BRM Community meetup, where we can share our passion for BRM, network and discuss building this capability in the UK. You’ll meet with peers, receive insights about global adoption of BRM and hear from some special guest speakers – including Marleen Lundy of BRM Institute. This is a free event, but we request that you book your space to ensure there is sufficient seating and catering.

May ’18

WEBINAR: The Real Power of Business Relationship Management

When; 24-May-18, 12:30-13:30 (GMT) [Add to calendar]

Where; Online [register here]

What; BRM Open Webinar

Hosted by APMG International, in this webinar Gary Hardy will explain how the BRM Body of Knowledge (BOK) from BRM Institute is a game changer, changing how business is done around the World. It’s a new capability that focuses on business value, and brings business and service functions together as strategic partners – sharing ownership, and success!

If you have an IT, HR, Finance or Sales role at any level, and want to make a difference in your organisation, this webinar is for you.

December ’17


When; 7-Dec-17, 13-13h45 (SAST)

Where; Online (Zoom Webinar)

What; “Personal Intelligence – the backbone of BRM”

In this webinar, EQ guru Steph Vermeulen will explain the importance of Personal Intelligence, and how it is critical to the success of Business Relationship Management

November ’17


When; 9-Nov-17, 13-13h45 (SAST)

Where; Online (Zoom Webinar)

What; “The Real Power of Business Relationship Management”

In this webinar, Gary Hardy will explain how the BRM Body of Knowledge (BOK) from BRM Institute is a game changer, changing how business is done around the World. It’s a new capability that focuses on business value, and brings business and service providers together as strategic partners – setting direction, sharing ownership, enjoying success!

Access Recording Here

August ’17

ISACA Annual Conference

When; 28-29 Aug

Where; Sandton Convention Centre

What; Gary Hardy presents “Business Relationship Management – The Key to Unlocking Business Value” [Track 3, 11:30]

See the entire program here

August ’17

BRM Connect Forum

When; 15-Aug (Cape Town), 17-Aug (Johannesburg)

Where; Atlantic Imbizo Conference & Function Studio, Cape Town. FNB Conference Center, Johannesburg

What; BRM Team Success – get involved in the local one-day BRMConnect Forum where you’ll build your own journey map for furthering your BRM team’s success. Aaron Barnes and Marleen Lundy from BRM Institute, along with #BRMLegends (BRM Regional Leaders) will facilitate the day in leveraging BRM Institute content guidance to create strategies and plans that can advance your BRM team, and enabling business function beyond service management and into a strategic partnership.

Click here to find out what happened

May ’17

MANAGEMENT BRIEFING: Personal Intelligence (EQ + IQ) “A Magician, a Monk and a Miracle”

When; 03-May-2017 – 0730 Breakfast/Networking, session runs from 08h30 until 11h00

Where; STANLIB, Melrose Arch, Johannesburg [see map]

What; Whether human beings speak in baffling acronyms or use impenetrable jargon, the point is they remain human beings with fairly predictable responses. Like it or not, IT and Business depend upon one another, and by developing a healthy level of Personal Intelligence (EQ + IQ) any battle-of- wills can be turned into a ‘functional relationship’ – a relationship at work, that works. Join Steph Vermeulen – South Africa’s EQ Guru – who will argue that the primary reason to develop Personal-Intel, is to free ourselves from the debilitating effect of emotions that interfere with the application of rational intelligence.

Attendance is free. Seats are limited! Book here

February ’17

MANAGEMENT BRIEFING: Business Relationship Management – Driving Business Value From IT Services

When; 08-Feb-2017 [07.30 – 11.00]

Where; Stanlib, Melrose Arch, Johannesburg [see map]

What; Join us for a breakfast session hosted by Stanlib, where we’ll introduce you to Business Relationship Management Institute® and the positive impact the BRM capability is having on value-driven enterprises. More info here


Early in 2016 we ran a webinar on Gary’s “Top 10 IT Management Mistakes”. The response was so good that we turned it into an annual Global Survey.  The feedback we received confirmed that these management blunders are nearly all to do with management attitude and mindset and nothing to do with technical challenges!!
Over 40 countries participated and we’ve presented the results in this report.


Blog post – Business alignment in the digital enterprise, International Best Practice.com (part of TSO)


ISACA South Africa Annual Conference. Details here. IT Governance expert Gary Hardy will be hosting a session; “Top 10 IT Management Mistakes & how COBIT helps (30th)
When? 29th-30th August
ISACA South Africa Annual Conference. Gary Hardy will offer a full-day post conference workshop; “Business and IT Alignment”
When? 31st August
ITWinners invite Value experts John Thorp and Peter Harrison to offer a full day Executive workshop on “Value Management and Digital Leadership”. Places limited to 16, so book early to avoid disappointment!
When? 1st September
Where? STANLIB, Melrose Arch, Johannesburg


ISACA Cape Town Chapter meeting. Details here


Gary Hardy’s book “Interfacing and Adopting ITIL and COBIT” is finally here! Written to support the effective adoption and harmonised utilisation of these two complimenting frameworks, this guide will help you deliver an improved IT service capability which is aligned with enterprise strategy. Contact us for more information, or purchase directly from Axelos

itil cobit interface


ISACA SA Western Cape Regional End Of Year Meeting
When? 1st December 2015


The ISACA South Africa Chapter, in conjunction with ITWinners, is proud to offer intensive 3-day Review Courses (Boot Camps) to help professionals prepare for the December 2015 Certification exams. You can book your seat here, or visit ISACA Events for more information.
When? 17th-18th November
When? 23rd-25th Novemeber


During ISACA’s South African Annual Conference, COBIT expert Gary Hardy will take part in a 90 minute Panel Discussion, which will look at the evolution of COBIT, how it can be utilised by the enterprise, how it works with other frameworks and how it handles current topics such as outsourcing and cloud computing etc. Visitors will also have the opportunity to meet the team on the ITWinners stand during the conference. Sharing the panel are Flip van SchalkwykPeter TessinTichaona Zororo and Winston Hayden
When? 4th-5th August, 2015


USD United States (US) dollar