ITWinners Recruitment
Helping people find their purpose, and organisations find their people
A Leader in all aspects of Business Relationship Management
Why choose us?
For recruiters, we help with;
- Creating/advising on your
- Job advert
- Person specification
- Recruitment selection process
- Understanding your needs and finding the right fit for your business
- Screening applicants properly
- Up-skilling new hires to hit the ground running
It’s all about Community
For job seekers;
- Interview preparation
- CV/Resume building
- Sharing hiring companies
- Strategic plans
- Operating models
- Org charts / organograms
- BRM maturity
- Industry information
Happy Subscribers
In 2019 I had the opportunity to join a successful financial services organization as a Senior BRM. The interview would include a presentation on “the ever-changing role of BRM.”
I reached out to Gary, and with my drafted deck we did a walkthrough using video conference. I did this because Gary is approachable, honest and a great coach! Doing so was a huge help to me as Gary has vast experience spanning across IT and business transformation, plus has a superb way of communicating his advice in a concise way.
I made my amends and went into my interview confident and prepared. I’m pleased to say I passed all the stages and secured the role. I went onto sharing my insightful presentation with my team.
Everything You Need In One Place


Icons & Illustration

Video & Motion
All Categories
- Nature
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Featured Contributors

Nicole Spears
Fashion Photographer

John Seitler

Yusuf Pathan
Nature Photographer